Early Intervention Program/ Services

Early intervention programs / services are doing a range of targeted activities to help the young children who have developmental delays or specific health conditions. Early Intervention Specialist provide services which help children catch up and increase their chances for fast recovery in attaining milestones, success in school and overall better quality of life.

An Early Interventionist is a specialized trained professional who knows developmental therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, Cognitive - Communication therapy and child psychology. An Early Intervention specialist is a multifaceted professional who works for holistic development rather physiotherapy or occupational therapy. If you are visiting an experienced early intervention specialist, you should get an amalgamation of all required therapies.  

Children with high risk, suspected developmental delay, delayed milestones can be benefited with early intervention.

A good early intervention program promotes

  •  Gross and Fine Motor Skills(Head control, sitting, crawling, walking, playing, writing, etc)
  •  Cognitive skills (understanding, learning, problem solving, thinking, etc)
  •  Communication skills (speaking, expressing feelings, asking questions, etc)
  •  Self-help or adaptive skills (feeding, toileting, dressing / undressing etc)
  •  Social or emotional skills (adequate behaviors, playing with peers,, etc)
  •  Sensory processing skills (tactile, visual, sounds, smells, etc)

Early intervention program usually last up to age of 3 years. If a child requires therapies beyond three years, it is extended to another few years by combining with other therapies may be until 6 years of age.

Benefits of Early Interventions

  • Children with developmental delay who received early intervention are less irritable, displaying less stressed behaviors
  • Mostly children display an increase in gross motor, fine motor, sensory, visual motor and self- help skills
  •  Early intervention prevents secondary problems and further developmental delay which may otherwise result in difficulties in feeding, inappropriate movement, abnormal patterns interfering with normal development and deformities
  •  Early Intervention provides the foundation for skill acquisition
  •  Early Intervention decrease the maternal anxiety, increasing the mental health status and well-being of mothers
  • Early Intervention increases interaction and bondingbetween parents and infants

The main goals of early intervention are

  •  Strengthen child's skills
  •  Provide parents with information, social and emotional support
  •  Instructing parents in providing their children emotional support, physical and intellectual stimulation

ICD, New Delhi is considered one of the best early intervention centre in India as ICD, New Delhi has the most experienced Early Intervention Specialist.

If you want to know more about our early intervention program and avail our early intervention services at ICD, New Delhi, please contact us

Fixed Landline Number: +91-11-41012124
Whatsapp: +91-7838809241    

Mail: helpicd@gmail.com
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