Cerebral Palsy Introduction

Cerebral Palsy is a Complex Neurodevelopmental Disorder where there is a significant problem with motor function (sitting, crawling, standing, walking, hand functions, and participations, etc), the motor impairment results from something that went wrong with the brain during its early development (mostly during pregnancy and at the time of birth). It’s a non-progressive disorder, but often changes with passage of time

It is estimated that 3 (three) out of every 1,000 (One thousand) newborn develop cerebral palsy

Although no two children with cerebral palsy are same but all children with Cerebral Palsy have two universal symptoms- abnormal postures and abnormal movements.

Cerebral palsy can be very mild to profound in severity. It doesn’t always cause profound disabilities.  Children with mild Cerebral palsy may lead very normal life but children with severe cerebral palsy might be unable to walk and will need regular and lifelong care.

Cerebral palsy is a disorder not a disease.  Cerebral palsy is not contagious so it can’t pass from one to other. It is not always hereditary. Only 3% children have familial history. Presently cerebral palsy has no cure but supportive therapies, medications, and surgeries can help many children with CP to lead near normal lives. They can enjoy independent mobility in the community, communicate with others, enjoys normal schooling, earn livelihood and enjoys married lives.    

Children with milder forms of CP have normal life expectancy but children with severe disabilities get reduced life span due to chronic associated problems.

Polio and muscular dystrophy are different from cerebral palsy. Similarly Intellectual disability (Mental Retardation) and cerebral palsy are altogether different conditions. Mostly children with CP have normal to high intelligence with good communication skills but a few can have very low mental level with poor or no speech at all. Whatever may be the mental level; all children with CP can learn. They need consistent support, scientific parenting, and proper habilitation services.

Nowadays, Cerebral palsy can be detected very early with help of General Movement Assessment (GMA) and other screening techniques. GMA can detect CP within first few weeks of a newborn life. Early detection helps to start early intervention services. Research has proved that early intervention can do miracles.    

If you suspect / observe any of the above symptoms in your child, please contact us for guidance,
help and technical support:

Mail ID: helpicd@gmail.com      Whatsapp No: +91-7838809241        Landline No: +91-11-41012124


Cerebral Palsy Introduction  

Causes of Cerebral Palsy    

Types of Cerebral Palsy 

Treatments of Cerebral Palsy

Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy 

Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy

Signs and symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Associated Problems with Cerebral Palsy

Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy

Spastic Cerebral Palsy

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy
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