Infant Stimulation Therapy / Program

Infant stimulation therapy is a specially designed therapy program where an infant is scientifically treated with careful handling and stimulation. Infant Stimulation therapy includes activities to enhance and improve an infant’s sensory system and motor skills. All the senses are taken care and stimulation is provided through sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Infant stimulation therapy can improve an infant’s curiosity, attention span, memory, and develop the whole nervous system
Although Infant stimulation program can be practiced with all infants but high risk infants are the primary beneficiaries. We at ICD, Delhi provide infant stimulation therapy to Infants with the following conditions.

  • Prematurely born babies
  • Babies born with very low birth weight
  • Babies born with low Apgar Score ( less than 6 in all three successive assessments)
  • Babies who had birth asphyxia
  • Babies who had ppathological jaundice following birth
  • Babies with suspected developmental delay
  • Babies who have seizure disorder following birth or later
  • Babies with visual disorders: squints, optic atrophy, etc
  • Babies with hearing disorders / hearing loss,
  • Babies with cardiac disorders
  • Babies with congenital syndromes: Down syndrome. West Syndrome,  etc

 Our Infant stimulation therapy program is designed such a way that it can address both cognitive and motor developmental areas. Infant stimulation program is also considered the first step towards early intervention services. Infant Stimulation therapy programs start at the hospital where the baby is born, which ultimately shifted to a developmental therapy clinic. A therapist (Physiotherapist / Occupational Therapist /Pediatric Nurse) with developmental therapy background is the primary professional who not only works with the infant but also trains the care providers / mother to follow the same protocol at home.  Initially parents are asked to visit the clinic / centre 3-5 days in a week. Gradually, it becomes 3 days a week visits.
Infant stimulation therapy is always multisensory. The infant is assessed to find the abnormal or delayed sensory channels and a holistic program is designed. Stimulation can be provided through tactile stimulation, vestibular stimulation, auditory stimulation, visual stimulation, olfactory stimulation and gustatory stimulation as and when required. Infant stimulation program enhances motor skills, cognition, communication skills and play and overall development.
In the first years of a baby’s life, the brain is busy building its wiring system. The amount of stimulation the baby receives has a direct effect on how many synapses are formed. Repetitive stimulation strengthens these connections and makes them permanent, whereas young connections that don’t used, eventually die out.

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