Special Education / Cognitive Therapy

Remedial Education / Cognitive Therapy / Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Special education is a specialized education technique provided to children with identified special needs by designing an individual education program (IEP). IEP is always unique and no two children can share the same IEP

A special educator is an exclusively trained teacher in the field of pediatric habilitation.  Generally, a special educator is a graduate with Special B.Ed. All special school has special educators.  According to the Govt. policy, all regular school need to have a special educator to train the student with special needs and helping regular teachers to work with the special need children. Nowadays, large number of hospitals and developmental clinic engages special educators to cater the needs of children with disability while the children are under medical or surgical treatment.    

Special educator helps children work towards academic skills. These include development of hand function, play, school education, self-care, and making them functionally literate. 

Special educator works with the family, child, school teacher and other professionals to develop an appropriate course of training. 

Special educator provides assessment and training of:

  • Reading skills
  • Writing skills
  • Computer skills
  • Self-help skills, such as feeding, dressing, and bathing
  • Toileting
  • Perceptual disorders
  • Therapeutic Listening
  • School skills such as following directions, problem solving, and hand writing

              Social skills

All children with special needs may require special education in one or the other forms. Children with Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Learning disability, slow learning, Hydrocephalus, Intellectual disability, are the primary beneficiaries in our centre.

Presently, the following discipline has exclusively trained special educators.

  • Cerebral Palsy and other neurological disorders
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Learning disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Visually impairment
  • Intellectual disability / Mental Retardation

Rehabilitation Council of India has the list of qualified special educator in India. You can always locate a special educator near you. ICD, Delhi has a team of special educators for children with Cerebral palsy, Autism, Intellectual disability, and Learning disability

If you want to know more about our team of special educatorand want to avail our special education / remedial education sessions, please contact us
Fixed Landline Number: +91-11-41012124
Whatsapp: +91-7838809241    
Mail: helpicd@gmail.com

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